Lee un libro Redeeming Love de Francine Rivers libros ebooks
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Redeeming Love de Francine Rivers
Descripción - Críticas CBA bestsellerWashington Post bestseller 'The truth that ran through that story [Redeeming Love] absolutely took me to my knees. And I was a changed person when I finished reading that book. '- Amy Grant, Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter 'A splendid piece of work exploring both physical love and a love of God...There is not one false note in this wonderful novel.' - Library Journal 'Simply put, Redeeming Love is the most powerful work of fiction you will ever read.'- Liz Curtis Higgs, best-selling author of Thorn in My Heart 'The timeless biblical themes...are beautifully portrayed and brought to life through her unforgettable characters.'- Stephen Arterburn, best-selling author of The Everyman Series 'My heart and soul were profoundly shaken as I realized anew the lessons portrayed through the stories of Hosea and Gomer, Michael and Angel. This may be the single most moving book you will read this year - or in your lifetime.'- Angela Hunt, author of Magdalene
'Redeeming Love is an excellent allegory of God's devotion and power of His persistent love.'--The Daily Sentinel 'A masterful, unique writing achievement.This is a thought-provoking novel that you will not easily forget.'--Romantic Times Bookclub Reseña del editor PUBLISHERS WEEKLY BESTSELLER • ECPA BESTSELLER • A story of love that won't let go—no matter what!California’s gold country, 1850. A time when men sold their souls for a bag of gold and women sold their bodies for a place to sleep. Angel expects nothing from men but betrayal. Sold into prostitution as a child, she survives by keeping her hatred alive. And what she hates most are the men who use her, leaving her empty and dead inside. Then she meets Michael Hosea, a man who seeks his Father’s heart in everything. Michael obeys God’s call to marry Angel and to love her unconditionally. Slowly, day by day, he defies Angel’s every bitter expectation, until despite her resistance, her frozen heart begins to thaw. But with her unexpected softening comes overwhelming feelings of unworthiness and fear. And so Angel runs. Back to the darkness, away from her husband’s pursuing love, terrified of the truth she no longer can deny: Her final healing must come from the One who loves her even more than Michael does…the One who will never let her go. A powerful retelling of the story of Gomer and Hosea, Redeeming Love is a life-changing story of God’s unconditional, redemptive, all-consuming love.Includes a six-part reading group guide! Biografía del autor F R A N C I N E R I V E R S has enjoyed a successful writing career for more than thirty years. A New York Times best-selling author, her novels have been awarded or nominated for numerous prizes, including the RITA Award, the ChristyAward, and the ECPA Gold Medallion. In 1997, she was inducted into the Romance Writers Hall of Fame. Francine’s works have been translated into more than thirty different languages and she enjoys best-seller status in many foreign countries. She and her husband live in Northern California, with her three grown children and grandchildren nearby. Visit Francine online at www.FrancineRivers.com.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Redeeming Love
- Autor: Francine Rivers
- Categoria: Libros,Religión,Literatura y ficción
- Tamaño del archivo: 8 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Descargada: 253 times
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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